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Anti Reflective
High Reflective
Partial Reflective


商品名称:Partial Reflective

商品描述:Partial Reflective Coatings

Single Single Wavelength Band Partial Reflective Coatings (SPR)

When a narrow wavelength radiation is incident on this coating, part of the radiation is reflected and part is transmitted. Such coating always show a high reflectivity for S-polarization radiation and high transmission for P-polarization radiations. The main application of this coating is to form a beamsplitter with 45° angle of incident. The beamsplitter plate and cube which are shown in the chapter "Beamsplitter" are coated with such coatings.



Broadband Partial Reflective Coatings (BPR)

This coating has similar performance of to that of the SPR coating (Single Wavelength Band Partial Reflective Coatings), but there is an obvious difference between them. That is, it can be applied to split the incident radiation over a wide spectrum. The wavelength range of light, partial reflectivity and partial transmission can be accurately controlled to customer’s specifications by DELICATE.




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