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Anti Reflective
High Reflective
Partial Reflective


商品名称:High Reflective

商品描述: High Reflective Coatings

Dielectric High Reflective Coatings (DHR)
All-dielectric high reflective (HR) coatings offer a very high efficiency and a much higher laser induced damage threshold than enhanced and protected metal mirrors. They are designed to provide either high reflection over one or more spectral bands, or as broadband reflectors covering, for example, entire visible spectrum with reflection higher than 99% over a certain angular cone of the incident light. Plot below shows spectral performance of our standard high efficiency dielectric reflector that provides Ravg > 99% @ 380-780 nm for a certain incidence angle.


  Metallic High Reflective Coatings (MHR) 
DELICATE provides metallic high reflective coatings by material of Au, Ag, Al, Cr, and Ni-Cr. These coatings are applied to where the consistent high reflection in a wide spectral rang is necessary. Their reflectivity are not higher than that of dielectric HR coatings, but their HR spectrum can over near-UV, visible and near-IR. In order to prevent these metallic coatings from oxidization, these coatings have been deposited on a layer of dielectric coating.




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